Facts about Ink and Toners

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You probably never give much thought to your printer ink and toners. What you generally care about is that you have the right printer ink and toners and that they are working properly. But printer ink and toners have some very interesting facts that you probably are not aware of. Here are some facts that you probably do not know about printer ink and toners.

Is It Empty or Not?

Most times when your printer cartridge indicates that it is empty, in all likelihood it might not actually be empty. This s usually an early warning and the cartridge could still be half full. The one major reason why this warning is given that early is because when you use a printer cartridge that is completely empty; your printer might get damaged. It is very important to always know when you should change the printer cartridge although most users will incorrectly change it because they want to be cautious not to use it when it is empty. In case you are unsure, you can find out online how much is still left for specific models the moment you get a warning.

Not many Colors Are Used

Most color inks that are used are probably just three in number and in most cases, yellow, cyan and magenta are the colors that are used. When you use a color cartridge for your printing purposes and you want to print something like text that should be black, it will appear as sort of dark brown rather than true black. This will consume more ink than it would when printing with black and it is advisable to ensure that both cartridges are always topped up if your apparatus has two.

Some of the Ink Used is Edible

Some enterprises now offer edible ink which is very perfect for using on messages that are inscribed on birthday cakes. This is why some very creative restaurants have actually started printing their menus using the edible ink in order for their meals on it to be sampled. You can find edible ink on most makes and models of printers nowadays and they actually have numerous flavorsome selections.

Printer Ink is Very valuable

It is actually very surprising but printer ink is one of the most valuable liquids on the earth. This is why it is very expensive and a gallon of printer ink can cost well over $4000. The fact that you use very little of the ink on a single cartridge makes it look like the ink is very affordable but in real sense, it is a liquid that is very costly.

Cartridges Are Recyclable

When you use recyclable cartridges, your printing costs are lowered and you help towards efforts to conserve the environment.

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